One of the biggest challenges for Cindy after going vegan was to expand her options in the kitchen, thats when she started “veganizing” her favorite dishes.

That’s how Veganízalo was born.

We’re a family of foodies who loves to have fun in the kitchen. The three of us are betting for a better world, less cruelty to animals, and healthier life.


Our Mission

To promote veganism through creative recipes while veganizing your favorite dishes. To educate the community about adopting a vegan lifestyle.


Was the first YouTube channel in Puerto Rico dedicated to veganizing recipes from our local cuisine. Created in 2014 is a project that has evolved in different stages while still growing and creating content on social media.

La Descarga Vegana

The first local podcast in Puerto Rico that focused on talking about veganism. Published in May 2018 this podcast was created to dismantle stereotypes of veganism in the mainstream.

Team Veganízalo

Cindy Lou, José “Jowei” & Dalí

Cindy Lou 

A vegan mom that loves sharing her lifestyle and creating recipes in her kitchen. She’s certified as a Vegan Lifestyle Coach and Educator (VLCE) by the Main Street Vegan Academy. She develops recipes to share on her social media channels, and on local workshops. She also reviews products for those who are still wondering where to begin. In her house, everything is 100% vegan and delicious.


Father, videographer, a foodie who also loves to cook. He’s the official recipe tester in the house and also does the video editing. He loves vegan food that can defy their omnivore counterparts.


Vegan in training. Intern at the kitchen a very picky recipe tester.